AZAHAR Fundraiser Classes at Souk Studio: Chant the Yoga Sutras
A series of Classes to benefit AZAHAR Foundation.
The series "Chant the Yoga Sutras" consists of four open classes, each for 45 minutes.
Yogeswari is freshly back from Mysore, India, where she has been chanting Yoga Sutras daily under the guidance of Dr. MA Jayashree, and she would like to share this precious practice with you. The Yoga Sutras of Maharshi Patanjali are a fundamental work to gain in-depth understanding of the yogic path. Chanting calms the nervous system and has a highly meditative effect. It gets us acquainted with the power of our own voice, while we magically absorb the meaning of the Sutras on a vibrational level.
Dates and Times
Sunday, December 3, 10am to 10.45am (45min) (EST)
The other three classes will be on
Sunday, November 19, 10am to 10.45am (45min) (EST)
Sunday, November 26, 10am to 10.45am (45min) (EST)
Sunday, December 10, 10am to 10.45am (45min) (EST)
Souk Studio, 12 West 27th Street, New York City
To book this class, please see link below.
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