Jivamukti Intensive in Madrid AprilApr 19 2024 - AprilApr 21 2024Madrid, Spain

A Jivamukti weekend at Zentro Urban Yoga, Madrid

Join me during this weekend in Madrid and immerse yourself in a dance-like Vinyasa Practice, accompanied by Hip Indian beats, World Music and Sanskrit mantras.  A specific Asana focus leads the practice, to challenge you physically and mentally, concluding with a deep relaxation and meditation practice. The spiritual teachings, woven throughout the class, are inspired by the current Jivamukti Focus of the Month. They reveal a strong relationship between ancient Yogic teachings, what is happening in the present moment on the mat, and concerns pertaining to relationships and experiences in modern, daily life.

Dates and Times:
Friday, April 19: 6pm -8pm - Jivamukti Masterclass (focus on forward bends)
Saturday, April 20: 11am - 2pm - Jivamukti Masterclass (focus on backbends) with Mantra, Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga Philosophy
Saturday, April 20: 4pm - 7pm - Vinyasa Krama Workshop
Sunday, April 21: 11am - 2pm - Jivamukti Masterclass (focus on inversions)
Sunday, April 21: 4pm - 7pm - The Art of Sequencing Workshop

Vinyasa is commonly known as a vague concept of “Flow Yoga.” In this workshop, we will go more deeply into the theory behind Vinyasa Krama and how to execute it with precision, both on the mat and in life. This course focuses on Ujjayi Breathing and simple exercises to connect breath and movement, culminating with Jivamukti A Surya Namaskar.



In this workshop, you will refine your understanding of the thought process that goes into sequencing Asanas. You will learn sequencing to ensure maximum safety from the points of view of physical and energetic anatomy, while also remaining creative and giving students the inner experience of a moving meditation. You will practice and analyze several classic Jivamukti sequences. You will also have an opportunity to create variations on one of these sequences in collaboration within a small team. 


Intensive complete: 225€ (210€ when booked until March 1st)
Single Class or Workshop: 50€ (45€ when booked until March 1st)
Only Saturday or only Sunday: 100€ (90€ when booked until March 1st)


Zentro Urban Yoga - ZUY Chamartin
Calle Gabriel Lobo 9

More information please visit the website of Zentro Urban Yoga


Please note:
sign up is required through the studio/location



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