Yogeswari Azahar Benefit Workshop
Date and Time:
SUNDAY, 11/20: 10:00am - 12:00pm at Urban Sadhu Yoga, New Jersey
Workshop information:
Backbends, Karma Yoga & Compassion
It is the level of consciousness needed by humanity to raise itself above the course of violence and self-destruction.
Part of this workshops will be taught as a dynamic Jivamukti style vinyasa sequence to a playlist made of world music, Sanskrit mantras and hip Indian beats. The other part will focus on alignment and prop use. We will also chant some verses from the Bhagavad Gita.
Open to all levels
Proceeds will go to support AZAHAR Foundation in training and providing a livelihood for yoga teachers in Cambodia, Rwanda and other post-conflict and developing countries (www.azaharfoundation.org).
AZAHAR is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit founded by Yogeswari. All donations are tax-deductible by law.
For booking please go to Urban Sadhu Yoga Studio Website.
Workshop price:
$55 advance $65 day of event – additional donations welcome
Urban Sadhu Yoga, 171 Newark Ave. Jersey City
More information please visit the website of Urban Sadhu Yoga.
Please note:
- sign up is required through the studio/location
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